Robin Mennens PDEng Software Technology trainee at Eindhoven University of Technology


PDEng Thesis
PDEng Thesis

During my 10-month PDEng graduation project at Philips research, I developed the Philips Remote AI Streaming (PRAIS) platform. PRAIS allows developers to easily build applications that require real-time audio/video/data streaming functionality. The core component of PRAIS is a C# API that contains a vendor abstraction layer. We evaluated PRAIS during two collaborations. Firstly, a group of bachelor computer science students used PRAIS to develop demonstrators. A usability study with the students shows that PRAIS is considered easy to use. Secondly, in a collaboration with Maxima Medisch Centrum we explored how PRAIS can be used to record NICU baby footage. Such recordings are used for research purposes.

Scientific Paper Publication
Scientific Paper Publication

In June 2019, the paper entitled A stable graph layout algorithm for processes was presented and published at the 21st EG/VGTC Conference on Visualization (EuroVis). I wrote this paper together with Roeland Scheepens (ProcessGold) and Michel Westenberg (Eindhoven University of Technology) and it is based on the work I did for my master's thesis.

More info can be found here

Master Thesis
Master Thesis

I am extremely proud to say that my master's thesis ‘Graph layout stability in process mining’ was awarded a 10!!

Process visualization, which is done using a graph layout, plays an important role in the area of process mining. Nevertheless, existing techniques often fail to properly visualize a process. In my thesis, I developed a graph layout algorithm which is able to compute stable graph layouts that properly represent the process.

More info can be found here

My thesis can be found here

ProcessGold integrated my algorithm into their platform, filed a patent, and a paper was written based on my work.

PDEng projects
PDEng projects

During my PDEng Software Technology, our group of 18 trainees worked on several training projects with industry partners.

During the first training project with Philips Research, I was the project manager. We worked on combining remote communication with artificial intelligence technologies. More information can be found in this article.

In the second project I was a SCRUM master/engineer and we did this project together with the mechatronic system PDEng. Our project took place in the high tech agriculture domain at Van den Borne aardappelen. We developed landing gear that allows a drone to take measurements on a potato field. A final video about the project can be seen here.

During the last project with ASML I was the product owner. I was responsible for translating the customer's needs into actionable user stories to be developed by the team.

Procedural City Generation
Procedural City Generation

The ultimate goal was to generate a complete city automatically. This was a university project where two fellow students and I had 8 weeks to bring this idea into practice. An editor plugin was developed for the Unity Game Engine. This plugin allows one to start off with an empty terrain and build a complete city on this terrain. The terrain, roads and buildings are all procedurally generated. The final grade for the project was a 10.

ProcessGold Internship
ProcessGold Internship

I am super excited to say that I finished my internship with a 10! In order to visualize processes, ProcessGold uses a graph layout algorithm. This algorithm should compute graph layouts such that these layouts provide insight into the underlying process. My task was to implement such an algorithm in C++. Not only can my implementation handle graphs that are 6 times larger than what was originally possible, it also computes the graph layouts much faster. Additionally, the graph layouts produced by my implementation provide much more insight into the underlying process.

Particle System Implementation
Particle System Implementation

This consisted of two projects. In the first, a particle system where different forces/constraints can be simulated was implemented. The eventual goal was to simulate cloth and hair, as can be seen in our demo Video. In the second project, we implemented a fluid simulator based on the SPH method. Both one-way and two-way coupling with rigid/solid objects was implemented. A demo video of project 2 can be found Here. In the end, projects 1 and 2 were combined to allow the interaction of fluid with cloth.

Color Shooter
Color Shooter

I developed my own game using the Unity Game Engine. Unfortunately, the game is not available anymore in the Google Play Store.

Les Miserables Visualization
Les Miserables Visualization

During the Visualization Course, a fellow student and I had the task to visualize the Les Miserables Co-occurence dataset. We used D3.js to do this. The result can be found here.

Vertical Decomposition
Vertical Decomposition

Two other students and I implemented a vertical decomposition algorithm for simple polygons. We implemented an algorithm based on the Line-sweep paradigm and one based on Randomized Incremental Construction.

Intelligent Lighting System
Intelligent Lighting System

In a team of 10 members we developed a system for the Intelligent Lighting Institute at Eindhoven University of Technology. The goal of this project was to extend an existing lighting system with IoT (Internet of Things) functionality, enabling users to control lights using sensors in their mobile devices. A video demonstration can be found here.

Virtual Reality Research
Virtual Reality Research

During one of my university projects, my group had the task to do research on a certain topic in Virtual Reality. Our research was about Quantifying Immersion in Virtual Reality based on previous research done by Pausch. For this project I used the Unity Game Engine to make an Android application to be used with Google Cardboard such that VR experiments could be done.

IoT Home Automation
IoT Home Automation

In my free time, I love to play around with all sorts of IoT Home Automation devices. Home Assistant, which is installed on my raspberry pi, essentially functions as a hub where all devices are connected together. By writing automations, scripts, and scenes in home assistant, I'm able to automate several parts of my house.
My lights automatically turn on/off when I get home/leave home. When I set an alarm on my phone, my lights automatically turn off and when the alarm triggers, my lights turn on again. Moreover, when its cold in the morning, my heater automatically turns on. By saying 'Hey Google, turn on movie mode', my lights will turn off and my screen's ambilight (which I also built myself) turns on. Finally, my home assistant is connected to my google assistant, meaning that I can control all of my devices using speech.
I still have many ideas on what I can add next so I always have enough to do in my free time ;)

Article Publications
Article Publications

Two articles were published about me and my choice for PDEng. In the articles I explain what a PDEng is and why I decided to follow the Software Technology PDEng.

Polishing raw software talent into industry-ready gems

Interview with a PDEng trainee

Contact Me

I am always looking for new challenges and opportunities, feel free to contact me!